10 February 2020

Murray Bridge Bunyips' made it to Sydney!


Our school robotics team, competing at Bunyips’ FTC Team 15215, was one of 40 teams from Australia, New Zealand and Asia invited (based on qualifying advancement criteria) to attend the National Robotics Championship in Sydney, on 6 &7 December 2019, at Macquarie University. Overall, the Bunyips achieved a ranking of 23rd out of 39 teams at the National Championship. Everywhere we looked there are teams of students - cheering, strategising, or tinkering with robots of every size, shape, and design. The five students and adult mentors present enjoyed the highs and lows of competing and also meeting like-minded people from around Australia and other countries. All five students were excellent ambassadors for MBHS, Murray Bridge and South Australia.

Breaking news – the next SKYSTONE FTC Scrimmage is on Sunday, 1ST March, 2020 at Naracoorte High School – that’s in Week 5 which means the MBHS Bunyips have a short time to work on and improve the capabilities of their robot (aka. ‘Egg bot’). Students, if you think you might like to be part of the Student Robotics Club please drop by HG.0 at lunch on Tuesday and say “Hi”. We would also love it if some spectators were able to come and support our team at this event. The Bunyips would not have been able to compete in the Nationals without the hard work from other students and mentors in the team who were unable to attend, or the generosity of the following local organisations. Rural City of Murray Bridge, Rotary Club of MB, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club and MB United Lodge No 44. We appreciate your support.